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報名簡章 Entry Form


設計概念 Design Statement


提案裱版 Presentation Board

  1. 提案裱版為A2尺寸。
  2. 提案裱版最少3個、最多4個。請以300dpi/JPGE檔案格式繳交,並以直式表現,無須寄送裱版。
  3. 提案裱版1:需包括現有基地照片(如有請提供)、海拔、平面圖、家具配置圖以及基地分析。
  4. 提案裱版2~4:需包含3D角度照片與Nippon Paint色票及其代碼。
    請為提案裱版建立「Presentation Board」檔案夾,分別將每片裱版命名為:「你的英文名字-Board 1」,例:AlanShih-Board1,以此類推。
Presentation Board-1
Presentation Board-2

顏色運用 Colours Used

  1. 請以台灣立邦色票與色號為創作基準。
  2. 在提案裱版中需明確標示出立邦漆的顏色名稱、色號以及運用範圍。

照片 Photographs

  1. 您的近照請以JPGE格式存入。
  2. 所有3D檔案與附加照片必須以300dpi/JPGE格式呈現,並新開檔案夾Perspective存入,各別照片以「區域」命名,例如Living room/Lobby等。

評分細則 Judging Criteria


評分標準 Judging Criteria

  • 精彩傳達設計概念(20%)
  • 設計功能性(20%)
  • 創新設計(15%)
  • 設計的永續性與發展性(15%)
  • 美感與視覺表現(10%)
  • 色彩概念(10%)
  • 呈現手法(10%)

精彩傳達設計概念 DESIGN CONCEPT(20%)

  • 清楚定義設計概念與問題陳述。
    Identifies clear and impactful project concept and problem statement.
  • 清楚且完整說明研究過程。
    Displays of effective and extensive research.
  • 展現提出相關且有效解決方案的能力。
    Demonstrates the ability to propose relevant and effective solutions to the design challenge.
  • 展現具批判性思考及解決問題的能力。
    Indicates critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • 具原創性、關聯性、及影響力的設計。
    Originality, relevance and impact on users.


空間規劃 Site and Spatial Planning / Sensitivity

The ability to deliver a layout plan which is sensible to a specific context. The integration of appropriate design and planning of individual spaces need to be tailored to the needs of users, with an emphasis on anthropometric and ergonomic principles.

功能性設計 Functionality

Design is appropriate for its intended use and will create a positive change for the community and users.

設計影響力 Design Impact

Demonstrates significant impact on contemporary life and living environment; has strong social values and significance; actively contributes to the nurturing of the next generation and advancement of society as a whole.

設計實用性 Practicality

Design is fit to deliver with materials and technology readily available in the market today.


  • 設計具有高度原創性及創造性。
    Displays a high level of originality and creativity.
  • 展現能結合科技,同時使用嶄新的與前瞻呈現手法的設計能力。
    Showcases the ability to deliver innovative and forward-driven interventions with the integration of technology.


  • 設計考量對人或環境的長遠影響,例如氣候變遷及節能。
    Demonstrates the capacity to support the needs of people and the environment in long-term and impactful approach. (e.g. Demonstrates climate and energy responsiveness.
  • 在設計、建構及維護的過程中考量資源再利用及延長生命周期的解決方案。
    Displays effective thought process and the use of renewable resources and life cycle throughout the development and maintenance of the design.
  • 設計考量到耐用及通用性。
    Displays long-lasting design and universality.


  • 設計在呈現美感的同時,考量到社會與文化對使用者的影響。
    Design is aesthetically pleasing and effectively integrates social and cultural aspects for the users.
  • 設計考量地方創生。
    Place-making: Creates opportunities for users to interact through the use of the space.

色彩概念 COLOUR USAGE(10%)

  • 設計展現與眾不同的色彩規劃創意。
    Showcases brilliant and creative use of colours.
  • 利用不同材料及設計手法,展現超群的色彩和諧與平衡。
    Showcases brilliant display of balance between colours, materials and design outputs.
  • 運用色彩來增進建築材料及牆面的設計感。
    Demonstrates the use of colour for the enhancements of materials and facades etc.


  • 清楚、具創意、並互動性高。
    Presentation showcases a high level of clarity, creativity and interactivity.
  • 利用視覺圖像或動畫影片,清楚解釋設計過程所面臨的挑戰與解決。
    Presentation is cohesive and demonstrates a high level of understanding of the design challenges and solutions given paired with appropriate visual aids, graphics and/or animations.
  • 聚焦專案成果及設計想法。
    Presentation focuses on both your project deliverables and design philosophy, including the journey and concept.

評分標準 Judging Criteria

  • 精彩傳達設計概念(25%)
  • 設計功能性(20%)
  • 創新設計(15%)
  • 設計的永續性與發展性(15%)
  • 色彩概念(15%)
  • 呈現手法(10%)

精彩傳達設計概念 DESIGN CONCEPT(25%)

  • 清楚定義設計概念與問題陳述。
    Identifies clear and impactful project concept and problem statement.
  • 清楚且完整說明研究過程。
    Displays of effective and extensive research.
  • 展現提出相關且有效解決方案的能力。
    Demonstrates the ability to propose relevant and effective solutions to the design challenge.
  • 展現具批判性思考及解決問題的能力。
    Indicates critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • 詮釋創意、相關性以及對使用者的潛在影響。
    Showcases originality, relevance and potential impact to users.
  • 呼應以人為本的設計主題。
    Reflects human-centred values


空間規劃 Site and Spatial Planning / Sensitivity

Appropriate design and planning of individual spaces as suited to their specific needs, with an emphasis on anthropometric and ergonomic principles.

設計影響力 Design Impact

Demonstrates significant impact on contemporary life and living environment; has strong social values and significance; actively contributes to the nurturing of the next generation and advancement of society as a whole.

設計實用性 Practicality

Design is fit to deliver with materials and technology readily available in the market today.


  • 設計具有高度原創性及創造性。
    Displays a high level of originality and creativity.
  • 展現能結合科技,同時使用嶄新的與前瞻呈現手法的設計能力。
    Showcases the ability to deliver innovative and forward-driven interventions with the integration of technology.


  • 設計考量對人或環境的長遠影響,例如氣候變遷及節能。
    Demonstrates the capacity to support the needs of people and the environment in long-term and impactful approach. (e.g. Demonstrates climate and energy responsiveness.)
  • 在設計、建構及維護的過程中考量資源再利用及延長生命周期的解決方案。
    Displays effective thought process and the use of renewable resources and life cycle throughout the development and maintenance of the design.
  • 設計考量到耐用及通用性。
    Displays long-lasting design and universality.

色彩概念 COLOUR USAGE(15%)

  • 設計展現與眾不同的色彩規劃創意。
    Showcases brilliant and creative use of colours.
  • 利用不同材料及設計手法,展現超群的色彩和諧與平衡。
    Showcases brilliant display of balance between colours, materials and design outputs.
  • 運用色彩來增進建築材料及牆面的設計感。
    Demonstrates the use of colour for the enhancements of materials and facades etc.


  • 清楚、具創意、並互動性高。
    Presentation showcases a high level of clarity, creativity and interactivity.
  • 利用視覺圖像或動畫影片,清楚解釋設計過程所面臨的挑戰與解決。
    Presentation is cohesive and demonstrates a high level of understanding of the design challenges and solutions given paired with appropriate visual aids, graphics and/or animations.
  • 聚焦專案成果及設計想法。
    Presentation focuses on both your project deliverables and design philosophy, including the journey and concept.